We are

A food truck serving up island-inspired Asian fusion in Portland, Oregon

Our Food
People often ask "What does Pidgin Hole mean?"
pidg·in - a dialect
1. a simplified language often influenced by many cultures not sharing a common language
Pidgin Hole
pidg·in hole - a cuisine
/ˈpijən hōl/
1. simple blend of Chinese, Korean, Hawaiian, and Caribbean flavors with notes of the Pacific Northwest
2. *island-inspired* Asian fusion
3. not your typical Hawaiian plate lunch truck

Chef Jeremy is a Chinese-American Portland native. He grew up cooking with his grandfather who was originally from Hilo, HI and eventually came to be a Chef in Portland for over 30 years. We call the Pidgin Hole cuisine an Island-inspired Asian fusion. Like pidgin the dialect, our menu is influenced by a variety of Island and Asian cultures and features many of the flavors Jeremy grew up on.